The 5-Minute Football Coach - Issue #1
Difficult geniuses, Final pass rondo, Playing through balls
Welcome to the very first issue of the 5-Minute Coach newsletter! Here are the top picks of the week:
Topic of the Week
How do you deal with ‘difficult’ geniuses? Give them special treatment or drop them? Two interesting interviews (here and here) from The Training Ground providing contrasting views.
Rondo of the Week
The Final Pass Rondo from Soccer Coach Weekly - I will give this a try as it’s simple to progress, and there’s several balls being played, which means players will get more touches of the ball.
Game of the Week
A nice animation of a simple game we’ve played in our last couple of training sessions, and which went so well one of the boys came to me and spontaneously said ‘I love this game!’. Works without a neutral player too.

Hope you enjoyed these - any suggestions, please let me know!