Welcome to the latest 5MFC!
I hope you’re all well - here are this week’s 3 tips:
⚽️ Practice of the week
A special one this week, specifically for goalkeeper. Lots of really good advice in there:
🥅 Game of the week
What about this 4+4v4 SSG, with a strong focus on pressing and quickly re-using the ball:

Fast Counter Attacks
Red and blue team looking to maintain possession by being expansive in the area (8 Passes = 1 goal)
The yellow team are looking to gain possession and score in any of the goals within 15 seconds.
Animation created on:
💡 Idea of the week
This is a really neat coaching point, which I’ll be using for sure:

‘Reverse passing’ is hardly ever taught on coaching courses but is a brilliant deceptive weapon catching opponent’s out of balance as the pass is reversed “against their flow”
Hope you enjoyed this - until next time!
The 5-Minute Football Coach: every Tuesday, 3 coaching tips in 5 minutes, for free.