Here are your highlights for this week:
Practice of the week
A good 1v1 warmup to encourage confidence on the ball.
Topic of the week
Football coaching is not just about technique, tactics and physical training. Developing the psychology of players, their mindset is also key. Part of this is to encourage a ‘growth’ mindset, where players take responsibility for their progress - instead of blaming others!

Spot on. How many times do you hear a player, coach or parent, following an adverse outcome, blaming the referee, opposition physicality, other teammates, the coach/es, etc.
To really progress, take ownership and foster a culture of zero tolerance for blame/excuses 👍🏻⚽️

Daniel Abrahams @DanAbrahams77
And as well as players, this is even more valid for us coaches!
Idea of the week
If you can’t fight them, join them!

Saw an u9 girls coach incorporating handstands in the warm up. Was fascinated so asked him was he trying to develop balance/ coordination.
No he said, I was fed up telling them to STOP doing them so I just added them in to training😂😂
That's coaching.
#commonsense #fun #ABC
I hope you enjoyed this. Have a great week!