Hi there,
I hope you’re well! Here are this week’s 3 coaching tips:
⚽️ Practice of the week
First, the Touchtight Coach talks about a Wolves goal against Everton, and explains how we can work on that set of play in training. Great stuff!

🎬 Video of the week
Next, a masterful talk by Benjamin Zander on his approach to teaching and coaching. At 14-minute long, it’s worth every second and covers:
Realising talent
Empowering players to define their success
Having a vision, and goals being secondary
Not taking yourself so seriously
📖 Topic of the week
Finally, with every new season come new rules. The IFAB has a summary of this year’s changes with the main points being around handballs and penalty kicks.

Have a great week
The 5-Minute Football Coach: every Tuesday, 3 coaching tips in 5 minutes, for free.