Hi there,
Here are this week’s 3 tips:
⚽️ Practice of the week
A great small-sided game for midfielders to use a diamond shape in possession. See the last few seconds for how that relates to matches:
🎬 Video of the week
How deep, or how far up the pitch, to position the defensive line? Make sure defenders understand that they are covering two spaces:
📖 Topic of the week
As grassroots football is restarting in the UK, let’s remember this is all for the players, their enjoyment and their development.

The two most important statistics for all Youth Coaches to remember:
75% of kids quit sport before age 13
0.01% of players will ever make professional athletes
The adultification of youth sports through early selection & a focus on short term results doesn’t serve the player!
Until next time, have a great week
The 5-Minute Football Coach: every Tuesday, 3 coaching tips in 5 minutes, for free.